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Virtual Classroom



We believe in new existing technologies such internet based webs and we have created a place where you can find a lot of information about:

  • How to use our loads management web named TMS under video format
  • Downloadable User manuals
  • Information relevant of loading and unloading schedules and addresses in our facilities.
  • Relevant information on safety in our cargo facilities.
  • Information on how to be carrier partner of our company. (Public web)

  • The information is updated based on any changes in our policies and this site is an important link of knowledge among our collaborators and us. We recommend visit our web. We hope this site is useful and profitable for all of you.
    Carrer de la Ferralla, 12, Pol. Ind. San Vicente 08755 Castellbisbal (Barcelona) Spain   -   +34 937 730 500   -   Fax +34 937 730 502   -  EMail: info@celsagroup.com